Thursday, July 15, 2010


At the end of February one of Tyler's Mission companions came home. His dad and Conan are good friends from childhood and the boys were comps. It is such a small world in the church. Anyway, they had a big party for him to welcome him home and we were invited. It was so much fun! They had wonderful food and incredible entertainment! We saw some old friends and Conan's brother and his family came as well. At the end they had dancing and Brittan and her dad got to dance! We had such a great time with friends and family!! We feel so blessed!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Science Fair

This year Zac had to do a science fair project. I know they want the kids to learn, but it sure creates a lot of extra work for the parents. This year was just a practice year that wasn't even judged but it was graded. He decided he wanted to try water evaporation. He wanted to add things to the water and test what evaporated faster. It was pretty low key but putting it all together was a little much. Hopefully we have this down for next year. He did a great job and did well. He got an A and was happy with the results!!

Sqare dance!!! YEEHAW!

This year in 4th grade the kids learned about the pioneers. Zac loved it and would come home telling me all kinds of interesting facts. He also told me that he was learning to square dance. I thought that was great and told him about when I square danced in the pageant. At the end of the pioneer unit they put on a little show for the parents. They did 3 different dances. He did so well and even smiled a little considering that he had to dance with girls (according to him girls still have cooties.) At the end the parents were asked to dance with their child. We had a great time and laughed a lot. He is such a great kid. I am lucky to have him!

Welcome Home Elder Robison!!!

Tyler is finally home!!! It was so exciting to see him coming down the Escalator!!! We were all so excited!! We made signs and the kids got to leave school early!! All of our family and some friends came to see him. We all had perma-grins to see him and be with him again! He is so happy and fun to be around!! It has been great to spend time with him again! His homecoming talk was incredible. He has grown so much spiritually he is so awesome! Welcome home Ty! We love you!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Los Angeles 1/2 Marathon

In January Conan was able to run his first half marathon!!! Yes people 13.1 miles. We decided to make it a little get away and I flew down and met him in Oakland on Thursday night and then we flew to LA on Friday. Our friends the Snyders flew down and met us on Friday night. We went to the Comedy & Magic club. It was so much fun. Saturday we were able to shop around and see Avatar and then met up with the Snyders for dinner. Sunday morning was the big race at Manhattan Beach. It was so nice!! It was in the 70's and the race course was right next to the beach. It was fabulous!!! Ross and Conan ran the 1/2 and Jenny ran the 5k. I was the cheerleader!! No more running for me because of my knee surgery's. Conan finished in 2:00:58. He was so awesome!!! The finish line was so fun too!! They had celebrity impersonators there and all kinds of fun music!!! At the airport on the way home we ran into a couple of University of Utah football players, and since Zac loves them we had to get a pic and some info. We hope to be able to go up to watch a practice soon! We had a blast and hope to do it again soon!!!

Christmas 2009

OK...I know it has been a long, long time since I have posted anything so I figured I need to catch up! We had such a wonderful Christmas!! It was so fun to spend it with the kids. They love to go and sit on Santa's lap and think of gifts to give each other!! We went out to dinner on Christmas Eve with Troy and had a great time!!! Then we went through the Festival of Lights and then came home, got our PJ's on and opened some presents!! It was fun. On Christmas day the kids got up and had a great time!! They had so much fun. My mom and Mark came over, as did Conan's dad and his sister and her boyfriend. It was a really great day!! I love Christmas and the spirit it brings into our home!!!