Monday, December 15, 2008

Raking Leaves

Well to say the least I haven't been able to get downstairs too much to look at e-mails or post on the blog, so I am trying to make up for some lost time here. It has been so warm here up until the last 3-4 days. The kids have been able to play outside and we have still had issues with yard work. We finally got around to raking up all of the leaves one day after my surgery. Jaxon was so excited to be outside and running around. He loves balls. He is really pretty coordinated and loves to kick the soccer ball around. He runs and runs. I am so glad to have a great husband that takes care of our yard!
Jaxie Kicking the ball!!!
Look at the big piles of leaves.

1 comment:

Sassy Lu said...

Wow! Your grass is still really green! Conan is such a good guy to help you out with everything. Hey - I need to see a good picture of Jaxon. Mom says he got all skinny on us!!!